.ww. sQWWQc _yQWWQQQg, aQQQQQQQQQQa _mQQQQQQQQQQQQm, .wQQQQQ8TT?TVQWQQQw. smQQQQ( "$QQQQc _yQQQQQQ; ._a,. -QWQWQg, aQQQQQQQQwmQQQQm dQQQQQQa _mQQQQQQQQQQWQQQQ[ .QQQQQQQQm, .wQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQP' .yQQQQQQQQQQw. ?QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ! aQQQQQQQQQQQQW! -4QQQQQQQQQQQQE jQQQQQQQQQQQQP' ?QWQQQQQQQQQQwyyyQQQQQQQQQQQW" 4QQQQQQQQQD"!"!QQQQQQQQQQP "$QQQQQQQk WWQQQQQQ@' ?QQQQQQk QWQQQQQ? -4QQQQQQQQWQQQQQP' ?WQQQQQQQQQQW" -4WQQQQQQQP "$QQQQ@' ?QQ? C O D E P O I N T S . N E T /* TEAM */ Lead: Manuel Strehl, @m_strehl Contributors: - Mathias Bynens - zed - Martijn Pieters Hosting: Uberspace.de /* SOFTWARE */ Online: https://github.com/Codepoints/Codepoints.net Bugs: https://github.com/Codepoints/Codepoints.net/issues Technology: PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS 3, JavaScript Data: The Unicode Standard Database: MySQL version of the Unicode standard via /* ATTRIBUTION */ Fonts: Thanks to: - Roman Czyborra, David Starner, Qianqian Fang, Changwoo Ryu and Paul Hardy for GNU Unifont - George Douros for his free to use historic fonts - Mark Williamson for MPH 2B Damase - The Deja Vu Project - Michael Everson for the Last Resort font Images: - The background image on the front page is released under the Creative Commons Attribution license by Flickr user Willi Heidelbach: - The button backgrounds on the front page are in the public domain: - The icons are part of the Font Awesome icon set Texts: - There are many texts from Wikipedia throughout the site. All texts are marked with the corresponding URL back to WP. Thanks to all the awesome authors providing such information for free to the world! Inspiration: Thanks to: - Decode Unicode for the “reference implementation” of a Unicode visualization - Graphemica for a good-looking one with a good social component - Many people who inspire and engage to use the Unicode standard, among which I can tell off the top of my head, but in no way exclusively, Richard Ishida, Michael Everson, James Kass and Mark Davis - Mathias Byrens for pushing me to publish it finally - Uberspace for their phantastic hosting environment - The Unicode Consortium for their awesome work