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U+0483 Combining Cyrillic Titlo

U+0483 was added in Unicode version 1.1 in 1993. It belongs to the block U+0400 para U+04FF Cyrillic in the U+0000 para U+FFFF Basic Multilingual Plane.

This character is a Nonspacing Mark and is mainly used in the Cirílico script. It is also used in the script Old Permic.

The glyph is not a composition. It has no designated width in East Asian texts. In bidirectional text it acts as Nonspacing Mark. When changing direction it is not mirrored. U+0483 prohibits a line break before it.

El Wikipedia tiene la siguiente información acerca de este punto de código:

Titlo is an extended diacritic symbol initially used in early Cyrillic and Glagolitic manuscripts, e.g., in Old Church Slavonic and Old East Slavic languages. The word is a borrowing from the Greek τίτλος, "title" and is a cognate of the words tittle and tilde. The titlo still appears in inscriptions on modern icons and in service books printed in Church Slavonic.

The titlo is drawn as a line over a text. In some styles of writing the line is drawn with serifs, so that it may appear as a zigzag. The usual form in this case is short stroke up, falling slanted line, short stroke up; an alternative resembles a volta bracket: short stroke up, horizontal line, short stroke down.

The titlo has several meanings depending on the context:

A titlo is used as a scribal abbreviation mark for frequently written long words and also for nouns describing sacred persons. In place of Богъ, for example, Бг҃ъ 'God' was written under the titlo and глаголетъ '[he] speaks' is abbreviated as гл҃етъ. Fig. 3 shows a list of the most common of these abbreviations in current use in printed Church Slavonic. Fig. 2 shows Господь 'Lord' abbreviated to its first letter and stem ending (also a single letter here, in the nominative case). Around the 15th century, titla in most schools came to be restricted to a special semiotic meaning, used exclusively to refer to sacred concepts, while the same words were otherwise spelled out without titla, and so, for example, while "God" in the sense of the one true God is abbreviated as above, "god" referring to "false" gods is spelled out; likewise, while the word for "angel" is generally abbreviated, "angels" is spelled out in "performed by evil angels" in Psalm 77. This corresponds to the Nomina sacra (Latin: "Sacred names") tradition of using contractions for certain frequently occurring names in Greek Scriptures.

A short titlo is placed over a single letter or over an entire abbreviation; a long titlo is placed over a whole word.

A further meaning was in its use in manuscripts, where the titlo was often used to mark the place where a scribe accidentally skipped the letter, if there was no space to draw the missed letter above.

Titlos are also used to mark letters when they are used as Cyrillic numerals, a quasi-decimal system analogous to Greek numerals.



Sistema Representación
N.º 1155
UTF-8 D2 83
UTF-16 04 83
UTF-32 00 00 04 83
URL-Quoted %D2%83
HTML hex reference ҃
Mojibake mal de windows-1252 ◌҃
Codificación: GB18030 (hexadecimales bytes) 81 30 D7 39
Adobe Glyph List titlocyrilliccmb

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Registro completo

Propiedad Valor
Antigüedad (age) 1.1 (1993)
Block (blk) Cyrillic
Categoría general (gc) Nonspacing Mark
Script (sc) Cirílico
Categoría de bidireccionalidad (bc) Nonspacing Mark
Combining Class (ccc) Above
Tipo de descomposición (dt) none
Decomposition Mapping (dm) Glifo para U+0483 Combining Cyrillic Titlo
Minúscula (Lower)
Simple Lowercase Mapping (slc) Glifo para U+0483 Combining Cyrillic Titlo
Lowercase Mapping (lc) Glifo para U+0483 Combining Cyrillic Titlo
Mayúscula (Upper)
Simple Uppercase Mapping (suc) Glifo para U+0483 Combining Cyrillic Titlo
Uppercase Mapping (uc) Glifo para U+0483 Combining Cyrillic Titlo
Simple Titlecase Mapping (stc) Glifo para U+0483 Combining Cyrillic Titlo
Titlecase Mapping (tc) Glifo para U+0483 Combining Cyrillic Titlo
Case Folding (cf) Glifo para U+0483 Combining Cyrillic Titlo
ASCII Hex Digit (AHex)
Alphabetic (Alpha)
Bidi Control (Bidi_C)
Bidi Mirrored (Bidi_M)
Exclusión de descomposición (CE)
Case Ignorable (CI)
Changes When Casefolded (CWCF)
Changes When Casemapped (CWCM)
Changes When NFKC Casefolded (CWKCF)
Changes When Lowercased (CWL)
Changes When Titlecased (CWT)
Changes When Uppercased (CWU)
Cased (Cased)
Exclusión de composición completa (Comp_Ex)
Default Ignorable Code Point (DI)
Raya (Dash)
Deprecated (Dep)
Diacrítico (Dia)
Base de modificador de emoyi (EBase)
Componente de emoyi (EComp)
Modificador de emoyi (EMod)
Presentación de emoyi (EPres)
Emoyi (Emoji)
Extender (Ext)
Extended Pictographic (ExtPict)
FC NFKC Closure (FC_NFKC) Glifo para U+0483 Combining Cyrillic Titlo
Grapheme Cluster Break (GCB) Extend
Base de grafema (Gr_Base)
Extensión de grafema (Gr_Ext)
Enlace de grafema (Gr_Link)
Hex Digit (Hex)
Guion (Hyphen)
ID Continue (IDC)
ID Start (IDS)
IDS Binary Operator (IDSB)
IDS Trinary Operator and (IDST)
ID_Compat_Math_Continue (ID_Compat_Math_Continue) 0
ID_Compat_Math_Start (ID_Compat_Math_Start) 0
Ideographic (Ideo)
InCB (InCB) Extend
Indic Mantra Category (InMC)
Indic Positional Category (InPC) NA
Indic Syllabic Category (InSC) Other
Jamo Short Name (JSN)
Join Control (Join_C)
Logical Order Exception (LOE)
Modifier Combining Mark (MCM)
Math (Math)
Noncharacter Code Point (NChar)
NFC Quick Check (NFC_QC)
NFD Quick Check (NFD_QC)
NFKC Casefold (NFKC_CF) Glifo para U+0483 Combining Cyrillic Titlo
NFKC Quick Check (NFKC_QC)
NFKC_SCF (NFKC_SCF) Glifo para U+0483 Combining Cyrillic Titlo
NFKD Quick Check (NFKD_QC)
Other Alphabetic (OAlpha)
Other Default Ignorable Code Point (ODI)
Otra extensión de grafema (OGr_Ext)
Other ID Continue (OIDC)
Other ID Start (OIDS)
Other Lowercase (OLower)
Other Math (OMath)
Other Uppercase (OUpper)
Prepended Concatenation Mark (PCM)
Pattern Syntax (Pat_Syn)
Pattern White Space (Pat_WS)
Comilla (QMark)
Indicador regional (RI)
Radical (Radical)
Salto de oración (SB) Extend
Soft Dotted (SD)
Sentence Terminal (STerm)
Terminal Punctuation (Term)
Ideograma unificado (UIdeo)
Selector de variación (VS)
Salto de palabra (WB) Extend
Espacio en blanco (WSpace)
XID Continue (XIDC)
XID Start (XIDS)
Expands On NFC (XO_NFC)
Expands On NFD (XO_NFD)
Expands On NFKC (XO_NFKC)
Expands On NFKD (XO_NFKD)
Bidi Paired Bracket (bpb) Glifo para U+0483 Combining Cyrillic Titlo
Bidi Paired Bracket Type (bpt) None
East Asian Width (ea) neutral
Hangul Syllable Type (hst) Not Applicable
ISO 10646 Comment (isc)
Joining Group (jg) No_Joining_Group
Joining Type (jt) Transparente
Line Break (lb) Marca combinable
Numeric Type (nt) none
Valor numérico (nv) not a number
Simple Case Folding (scf) Glifo para U+0483 Combining Cyrillic Titlo
Script Extension (scx) Old Permic
Orientación vertical (vo) R