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Glifo para U+2601
Fuente: Noto Emoji

U+2601 Cloud

U+2601 was added in Unicode version 1.1 in 1993. It belongs to the block U+2600 para U+26FF Miscellaneous Symbols in the U+0000 para U+FFFF Basic Multilingual Plane.

This character is a Otro símbolo and is commonly used, that is, in no specific script. El carácter es también conocido como cloudy weather.

The glyph is not a composition. It has no designated width in East Asian texts. In bidirectional text it acts as Other Neutral. When changing direction it is not mirrored. U+2601 offers a line break opportunity at its position, except in some numeric contexts.

The CLDR project calls this character “nube” for use in screen reading software. It assigns these additional labels, e.g. for search in emoji pickers: tiempo.

This character is designated as an emoji. It will be rendered as monochrome character on conforming platforms. To enable colorful emoji display, you can combine it with Glifo para U+FE0F Variation Selector-16: ☁️ See the Emojipedia for more details on this character’s emoji properties.

El Wikipedia tiene la siguiente información acerca de este punto de código:

In meteorology, a cloud is an aerosol consisting of a visible mass of miniature liquid droplets, frozen crystals, or other particles suspended in the atmosphere of a planetary body or similar space. Water or various other chemicals may compose the droplets and crystals. On Earth, clouds are formed as a result of saturation of the air when it is cooled to its dew point, or when it gains sufficient moisture (usually in the form of water vapor) from an adjacent source to raise the dew point to the ambient temperature.

Clouds are seen in the Earth's homosphere, which includes the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere. Nephology is the science of clouds, which is undertaken in the cloud physics branch of meteorology. There are two methods of naming clouds in their respective layers of the homosphere, Latin and common name.

Genus types in the troposphere, the atmospheric layer closest to Earth's surface, have Latin names because of the universal adoption of Luke Howard's nomenclature that was formally proposed in 1802. It became the basis of a modern international system that divides clouds into five physical forms which can be further divided or classified into altitude levels to derive ten basic genera. The main representative cloud types for each of these forms are stratiform, cumuliform, stratocumuliform, cumulonimbiform, and cirriform. Low-level clouds do not have any altitude-related prefixes. However mid-level stratiform and stratocumuliform types are given the prefix alto- while high-level variants of these same two forms carry the prefix cirro-. In both cases, strato- is dropped from the latter form to avoid double-prefixing. Genus types with sufficient vertical extent to occupy more than one level do not carry any altitude-related prefixes. They are classified formally as low- or mid-level depending on the altitude at which each initially forms, and are also more informally characterized as multi-level or vertical. Most of the ten genera derived by this method of classification can be subdivided into species and further subdivided into varieties. Very low stratiform clouds that extend down to the Earth's surface are given the common names fog and mist, but have no Latin names.

In the stratosphere and mesosphere, clouds have common names for their main types. They may have the appearance of stratiform veils or sheets, cirriform wisps, or stratocumuliform bands or ripples. They are seen infrequently, mostly in the polar regions of Earth. Clouds have been observed in the atmospheres of other planets and moons in the Solar System and beyond. However, due to their different temperature characteristics, they are often composed of other substances such as methane, ammonia, and sulfuric acid, as well as water.

Tropospheric clouds can have a direct effect on climate change on Earth. They may reflect incoming rays from the Sun which can contribute to a cooling effect where and when these clouds occur, or trap longer wave radiation that reflects back up from the Earth's surface which can cause a warming effect. The altitude, form, and thickness of the clouds are the main factors that affect the local heating or cooling of the Earth and the atmosphere. Clouds that form above the troposphere are too scarce and too thin to have any influence on climate change. Clouds are the main uncertainty in climate sensitivity.


Sistema Representación
N.º 9729
UTF-8 E2 98 81
UTF-16 26 01
UTF-32 00 00 26 01
URL-Quoted %E2%98%81
HTML hex reference ☁
Mojibake mal de windows-1252 ☁
alias cloudy weather

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Registro completo

Propiedad Valor
Antigüedad (age) 1.1 (1993)
Nombre Unicode (na) CLOUD
Nombre Unicode 1 (na1)
Block (blk) Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
Categoría general (gc) Otro símbolo
Script (sc) Common
Categoría de bidireccionalidad (bc) Other Neutral
Combining Class (ccc) Not Reordered
Tipo de descomposición (dt) none
Decomposition Mapping (dm) Glifo para U+2601 Cloud
Minúscula (Lower)
Simple Lowercase Mapping (slc) Glifo para U+2601 Cloud
Lowercase Mapping (lc) Glifo para U+2601 Cloud
Mayúscula (Upper)
Simple Uppercase Mapping (suc) Glifo para U+2601 Cloud
Uppercase Mapping (uc) Glifo para U+2601 Cloud
Simple Titlecase Mapping (stc) Glifo para U+2601 Cloud
Titlecase Mapping (tc) Glifo para U+2601 Cloud
Case Folding (cf) Glifo para U+2601 Cloud
ASCII Hex Digit (AHex)
Alphabetic (Alpha)
Bidi Control (Bidi_C)
Bidi Mirrored (Bidi_M)
Exclusión de descomposición (CE)
Case Ignorable (CI)
Changes When Casefolded (CWCF)
Changes When Casemapped (CWCM)
Changes When NFKC Casefolded (CWKCF)
Changes When Lowercased (CWL)
Changes When Titlecased (CWT)
Changes When Uppercased (CWU)
Cased (Cased)
Exclusión de composición completa (Comp_Ex)
Default Ignorable Code Point (DI)
Raya (Dash)
Deprecated (Dep)
Diacrítico (Dia)
Base de modificador de emoyi (EBase)
Componente de emoyi (EComp)
Modificador de emoyi (EMod)
Presentación de emoyi (EPres)
Emoyi (Emoji)
Extender (Ext)
Extended Pictographic (ExtPict)
FC NFKC Closure (FC_NFKC) Glifo para U+2601 Cloud
Grapheme Cluster Break (GCB) Any
Base de grafema (Gr_Base)
Extensión de grafema (Gr_Ext)
Enlace de grafema (Gr_Link)
Hex Digit (Hex)
Guion (Hyphen)
ID Continue (IDC)
ID Start (IDS)
IDS Binary Operator (IDSB)
IDS Trinary Operator and (IDST)
ID_Compat_Math_Continue (ID_Compat_Math_Continue) 0
ID_Compat_Math_Start (ID_Compat_Math_Start) 0
Ideographic (Ideo)
InCB (InCB) None
Indic Mantra Category (InMC)
Indic Positional Category (InPC) NA
Indic Syllabic Category (InSC) Other
Jamo Short Name (JSN)
Join Control (Join_C)
Logical Order Exception (LOE)
Math (Math)
Noncharacter Code Point (NChar)
NFC Quick Check (NFC_QC)
NFD Quick Check (NFD_QC)
NFKC Casefold (NFKC_CF) Glifo para U+2601 Cloud
NFKC Quick Check (NFKC_QC)
NFKC_SCF (NFKC_SCF) Glifo para U+2601 Cloud
NFKD Quick Check (NFKD_QC)
Other Alphabetic (OAlpha)
Other Default Ignorable Code Point (ODI)
Otra extensión de grafema (OGr_Ext)
Other ID Continue (OIDC)
Other ID Start (OIDS)
Other Lowercase (OLower)
Other Math (OMath)
Other Uppercase (OUpper)
Prepended Concatenation Mark (PCM)
Pattern Syntax (Pat_Syn)
Pattern White Space (Pat_WS)
Comilla (QMark)
Indicador regional (RI)
Radical (Radical)
Salto de oración (SB) Other
Soft Dotted (SD)
Sentence Terminal (STerm)
Terminal Punctuation (Term)
Ideograma unificado (UIdeo)
Selector de variación (VS)
Salto de palabra (WB) Other
Espacio en blanco (WSpace)
XID Continue (XIDC)
XID Start (XIDS)
Expands On NFC (XO_NFC)
Expands On NFD (XO_NFD)
Expands On NFKC (XO_NFKC)
Expands On NFKD (XO_NFKD)
Bidi Paired Bracket (bpb) Glifo para U+2601 Cloud
Bidi Paired Bracket Type (bpt) None
East Asian Width (ea) neutral
Hangul Syllable Type (hst) Not Applicable
ISO 10646 Comment (isc)
Joining Group (jg) No_Joining_Group
Joining Type (jt) Non Joining
Line Break (lb) Ideographic
Numeric Type (nt) none
Valor numérico (nv) not a number
Simple Case Folding (scf) Glifo para U+2601 Cloud
Script Extension (scx)
Orientación vertical (vo) U