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Glyph for U+26BF
Source: Noto Sans Symbols 2

U+26BF Squared Key

U+26BF was added in Unicode version 5.2 in 2009. It belongs to the block U+2600 to U+26FF Miscellaneous Symbols in the U+0000 to U+FFFF Basic Multilingual Plane.

This character is a Other Symbol and is commonly used, that is, in no specific script. The character is also known as parental lock.

The glyph is not a composition. Its width in East Asian texts is determined by its context. It can be displayed wide or narrow. In bidirectional text it acts as Other Neutral. When changing direction it is not mirrored. U+26BF offers a line break opportunity at its position, except in some numeric contexts.

The Wikipedia has the following information about this codepoint:

Parental controls are features which may be included in digital television services, computers and video games, mobile devices and software that allow parents to restrict the access of content to their children. These controls were created to assist parents in their ability to restrict certain content viewable by their children. This may be content they deem inappropriate for their age, maturity level or feel is aimed more at an adult audience. Parental controls fall into roughly four categories: content filters, which limit access to age inappropriate content; usage controls, which constrain the usage of these devices such as placing time-limits on usage or forbidding certain types of usage; computer usage management tools, which enforces the use of certain software; and monitoring, which can track location and activity when using the devices.

Content filters were the first popular type of parental controls to limit access to Internet content. Television stations also began to introduce V-Chip technology to limit access to television content. Modern usage controls are able to restrict a range of explicit content such as explicit songs and movies. They are also able to turn devices off during specific times of the day, limiting the volume output of devices, and with GPS technology becoming affordable, it is now possible to easily locate devices such as mobile phones. UNICEF emphases the responsibility of parents and teachers in this role.

The demand for parental control methods that restrict content has increased over the decades due to the rising availability of the Internet. A 2014 ICM survey showed that almost a quarter of people under the age of 12 had been exposed to online pornography. Restricting especially helps in cases when children are exposed to inappropriate content by accident. Monitoring may be effective for lessening acts of cyberbullying within the internet. It is unclear whether parental controls will affect online harassment in children, as little is known about the role the family plays in protecting children from undesirable experiences online. Psychologically, cyberbullying could be more harmful to the victim than traditional bullying. Studies done in the past have shown that about 75% of adolescents were subjected to cyberbullying. A lack of parental controls in the household could enable kids to be a part of cyberbullying or be the victim of cyberbullying.


System Representation (click value to copy)
UTF-8 E2 9A BF
UTF-16 26 BF
UTF-32 00 00 26 BF
URL-Quoted %E2%9A%BF
HTML hex reference ⚿
Wrong windows-1252 Mojibake âš¿
alias parental lock
Encoding: GB18030 (hex bytes) 81 37 B5 33
RFC 5137 \u'26BF'
Bash and Zsh inside echo -e\u26BF
C and C++ \u26BF
C# \u26BF
CSS \0026BF
Excel =UNICHAR(9919)
Go \u26BF
JavaScript \u26BF
Modern JavaScript since ES6\u{26bf}
Java \u26BF
Lua \u{26BF}
Matlab char(9919)
Perl "\x{26BF}"
PHP \u{26bf}
PostgreSQL U&'\26BF'
PowerShell `u{26BF}
Python \u26BF
Ruby \u{26bf}
Rust \u{26bf}
Click the star button next to each label to set this representation as favorite or remove it from the favorites. Favorites will be shown initially. (Favorites are stored locally on your computer and never sent over the internet.)


Complete Record

Property Value
Age (age) 5.2 (2009)
Unicode Name (na) SQUARED KEY
Unicode 1 Name (na1)
Block (blk) Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
General Category (gc) Other Symbol
Script (sc) Common
Bidirectional Category (bc) Other Neutral
Combining Class (ccc) Not Reordered
Decomposition Type (dt) none
Decomposition Mapping (dm) Glyph for U+26BF Squared Key
Lowercase (Lower)
Simple Lowercase Mapping (slc) Glyph for U+26BF Squared Key
Lowercase Mapping (lc) Glyph for U+26BF Squared Key
Uppercase (Upper)
Simple Uppercase Mapping (suc) Glyph for U+26BF Squared Key
Uppercase Mapping (uc) Glyph for U+26BF Squared Key
Simple Titlecase Mapping (stc) Glyph for U+26BF Squared Key
Titlecase Mapping (tc) Glyph for U+26BF Squared Key
Case Folding (cf) Glyph for U+26BF Squared Key
ASCII Hex Digit (AHex)
Alphabetic (Alpha)
Bidi Control (Bidi_C)
Bidi Mirrored (Bidi_M)
Composition Exclusion (CE)
Case Ignorable (CI)
Changes When Casefolded (CWCF)
Changes When Casemapped (CWCM)
Changes When NFKC Casefolded (CWKCF)
Changes When Lowercased (CWL)
Changes When Titlecased (CWT)
Changes When Uppercased (CWU)
Cased (Cased)
Full Composition Exclusion (Comp_Ex)
Default Ignorable Code Point (DI)
Dash (Dash)
Deprecated (Dep)
Diacritic (Dia)
Emoji Modifier Base (EBase)
Emoji Component (EComp)
Emoji Modifier (EMod)
Emoji Presentation (EPres)
Emoji (Emoji)
Extender (Ext)
Extended Pictographic (ExtPict)
FC NFKC Closure (FC_NFKC) Glyph for U+26BF Squared Key
Grapheme Cluster Break (GCB) Any
Grapheme Base (Gr_Base)
Grapheme Extend (Gr_Ext)
Grapheme Link (Gr_Link)
Hex Digit (Hex)
Hyphen (Hyphen)
ID Continue (IDC)
ID Start (IDS)
IDS Binary Operator (IDSB)
IDS Trinary Operator and (IDST)
ID_Compat_Math_Continue (ID_Compat_Math_Continue) 0
ID_Compat_Math_Start (ID_Compat_Math_Start) 0
Ideographic (Ideo)
InCB (InCB) None
Indic Mantra Category (InMC)
Indic Positional Category (InPC) NA
Indic Syllabic Category (InSC) Other
Jamo Short Name (JSN)
Join Control (Join_C)
Logical Order Exception (LOE)
Modifier Combining Mark (MCM)
Math (Math)
Noncharacter Code Point (NChar)
NFC Quick Check (NFC_QC) Yes
NFD Quick Check (NFD_QC) Yes
NFKC Casefold (NFKC_CF) Glyph for U+26BF Squared Key
NFKC Quick Check (NFKC_QC) Yes
NFKC_SCF (NFKC_SCF) Glyph for U+26BF Squared Key
NFKD Quick Check (NFKD_QC) Yes
Other Alphabetic (OAlpha)
Other Default Ignorable Code Point (ODI)
Other Grapheme Extend (OGr_Ext)
Other ID Continue (OIDC)
Other ID Start (OIDS)
Other Lowercase (OLower)
Other Math (OMath)
Other Uppercase (OUpper)
Prepended Concatenation Mark (PCM)
Pattern Syntax (Pat_Syn)
Pattern White Space (Pat_WS)
Quotation Mark (QMark)
Regional Indicator (RI)
Radical (Radical)
Sentence Break (SB) Other
Soft Dotted (SD)
Sentence Terminal (STerm)
Terminal Punctuation (Term)
Unified Ideograph (UIdeo)
Variation Selector (VS)
Word Break (WB) Other
White Space (WSpace)
XID Continue (XIDC)
XID Start (XIDS)
Expands On NFC (XO_NFC)
Expands On NFD (XO_NFD)
Expands On NFKC (XO_NFKC)
Expands On NFKD (XO_NFKD)
Bidi Paired Bracket (bpb) Glyph for U+26BF Squared Key
Bidi Paired Bracket Type (bpt) None
East Asian Width (ea) ambiguous
Hangul Syllable Type (hst) Not Applicable
ISO 10646 Comment (isc)
Joining Group (jg) No_Joining_Group
Joining Type (jt) Non Joining
Line Break (lb) Ideographic
Numeric Type (nt) none
Numeric Value (nv) not a number
Simple Case Folding (scf) Glyph for U+26BF Squared Key
Script Extension (scx)
Vertical Orientation (vo) U