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Glyph for U+59EC
Source: Noto CJK

U+59EC CJK Unified Ideo­graph-​59EC

U+59EC was added in Unicode version 1.1 in 1993. It belongs to the block U+4E00 to U+9FFF CJK Unified Ideographs in the U+0000 to U+FFFF Basic Multilingual Plane.

This character is a Other Letter and is mainly used in the Han script. The Unihan Database defines it as beauty; imperial concubine. Its Pīnyīn pronunciation is .

The glyph is not a composition. Its East Asian Width is wide. In bidirectional text it is written from left to right. When changing direction it is not mirrored. U+59EC offers a line break opportunity at its position, except in some numeric contexts. The glyph can be confused with one other glyph.

The Wikipedia has the following information about this codepoint:

() was the ancestral name of the Zhou dynasty which ruled China between the 11th and 3rd centuries BC. Thirty-nine members of the family ruled China during this period while many others ruled as local lords, lords who eventually gained great autonomy during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods. Ji is a relatively uncommon surname in modern China, largely because its bearers often adopted the names of their states and fiefs as new surnames.

The character is composed of the radicals (Old Chinese: nra, "woman") and 𦣞 (OC: ɢ(r)ə, "chin"). It is most likely a phono-semantic compound, with nra common in the earliest Zhou-era family names and ɢ(r)ə marking a rhyme of (OC: K(r)ə).

The legendary and historical record shows the Zhou Ji clan closely entwined with the Jiang (), who seem to have provided many of the Ji lords' high-ranking spouses. A popular theory in recent Chinese scholarship has suggested that they represented two important clans – the Ji originally centered on the Fen River in Shanxi and the Jiang around the Wen River in Shaanxi – whose union produced the Zhou state ruled by Old Duke Danfu, although the theory remains problematic.

In the family hymns recorded in the Classic of Poetry, the Ji (姬) family is traced from the miraculous birth of the Xia dynasty culture hero and court official Houji caused by his mother's stepping into a footprint left by the supreme god Shangdi. The Records of the Grand Historian instead make Houji the son of the Emperor Ku, descendant of Yellow Emperor.

It is sometimes listed as one of the Eight Great Surnames of Chinese Antiquity, replacing Ren when present.


System Representation (click value to copy)
UTF-8 E5 A7 AC
UTF-16 59 EC
UTF-32 00 00 59 EC
URL-Quoted %E5%A7%AC
HTML hex reference 姬
Wrong windows-1252 Mojibake 姬
Encoding: BIG5 (hex bytes) AE 56
Encoding: BIG5HKSCS (hex bytes) AE 56
Encoding: CP949 (hex bytes) FD EF
Encoding: CP950 (hex bytes) AE 56
Encoding: EUC_KR (hex bytes) FD EF
Encoding: GB2312 (hex bytes) BC A7
Encoding: GBK (hex bytes) BC A7
Encoding: GB18030 (hex bytes) BC A7
Encoding: HZ (hex bytes) 7E 7B 3C 27 7E 7D
Encoding: ISO2022_JP_2 (hex bytes) 1B 24 28 43 7D 6F 1B 28 42
Encoding: ISO2022_KR (hex bytes) 1B 24 29 43 0E 7D 6F 0F
Encoding: JOHAB (hex bytes) F9 EF
RFC 5137 \u'59EC'
Bash and Zsh inside echo -e\u59EC
C and C++ \u59EC
C# \u59EC
CSS \0059EC
Excel =UNICHAR(23020)
Go \u59EC
JavaScript \u59EC
Modern JavaScript since ES6\u{59ec}
Java \u59EC
Lua \u{59EC}
Matlab char(23020)
Perl "\x{59EC}"
PHP \u{59ec}
PostgreSQL U&'\59EC'
PowerShell `u{59EC}
Python \u59EC
Ruby \u{59ec}
Rust \u{59ec}
Click the star button next to each label to set this representation as favorite or remove it from the favorites. Favorites will be shown initially. (Favorites are stored locally on your computer and never sent over the internet.)

Related Characters



Complete Record

Property Value
Age (age) 1.1 (1993)
Unicode 1 Name (na1)
Block (blk) CJK Unified Ideographs
General Category (gc) Other Letter
Script (sc) Han
Bidirectional Category (bc) Left To Right
Combining Class (ccc) Not Reordered
Decomposition Type (dt) none
Decomposition Mapping (dm) Glyph for U+59EC CJK Unified Ideograph-59EC
Lowercase (Lower)
Simple Lowercase Mapping (slc) Glyph for U+59EC CJK Unified Ideograph-59EC
Lowercase Mapping (lc) Glyph for U+59EC CJK Unified Ideograph-59EC
Uppercase (Upper)
Simple Uppercase Mapping (suc) Glyph for U+59EC CJK Unified Ideograph-59EC
Uppercase Mapping (uc) Glyph for U+59EC CJK Unified Ideograph-59EC
Simple Titlecase Mapping (stc) Glyph for U+59EC CJK Unified Ideograph-59EC
Titlecase Mapping (tc) Glyph for U+59EC CJK Unified Ideograph-59EC
Case Folding (cf) Glyph for U+59EC CJK Unified Ideograph-59EC
ASCII Hex Digit (AHex)
Alphabetic (Alpha)
Bidi Control (Bidi_C)
Bidi Mirrored (Bidi_M)
Composition Exclusion (CE)
Case Ignorable (CI)
Changes When Casefolded (CWCF)
Changes When Casemapped (CWCM)
Changes When NFKC Casefolded (CWKCF)
Changes When Lowercased (CWL)
Changes When Titlecased (CWT)
Changes When Uppercased (CWU)
Cased (Cased)
Full Composition Exclusion (Comp_Ex)
Default Ignorable Code Point (DI)
Dash (Dash)
Deprecated (Dep)
Diacritic (Dia)
Emoji Modifier Base (EBase)
Emoji Component (EComp)
Emoji Modifier (EMod)
Emoji Presentation (EPres)
Emoji (Emoji)
Extender (Ext)
Extended Pictographic (ExtPict)
FC NFKC Closure (FC_NFKC) Glyph for U+59EC CJK Unified Ideograph-59EC
Grapheme Cluster Break (GCB) Any
Grapheme Base (Gr_Base)
Grapheme Extend (Gr_Ext)
Grapheme Link (Gr_Link)
Hex Digit (Hex)
Hyphen (Hyphen)
ID Continue (IDC)
ID Start (IDS)
IDS Binary Operator (IDSB)
IDS Trinary Operator and (IDST)
ID_Compat_Math_Continue (ID_Compat_Math_Continue) 0
ID_Compat_Math_Start (ID_Compat_Math_Start) 0
Ideographic (Ideo)
InCB (InCB) None
Indic Mantra Category (InMC)
Indic Positional Category (InPC) NA
Indic Syllabic Category (InSC) Other
Jamo Short Name (JSN)
Join Control (Join_C)
Logical Order Exception (LOE)
Modifier Combining Mark (MCM)
Math (Math)
Noncharacter Code Point (NChar)
NFC Quick Check (NFC_QC) Yes
NFD Quick Check (NFD_QC) Yes
NFKC Casefold (NFKC_CF) Glyph for U+59EC CJK Unified Ideograph-59EC
NFKC Quick Check (NFKC_QC) Yes
NFKC_SCF (NFKC_SCF) Glyph for U+59EC CJK Unified Ideograph-59EC
NFKD Quick Check (NFKD_QC) Yes
Other Alphabetic (OAlpha)
Other Default Ignorable Code Point (ODI)
Other Grapheme Extend (OGr_Ext)
Other ID Continue (OIDC)
Other ID Start (OIDS)
Other Lowercase (OLower)
Other Math (OMath)
Other Uppercase (OUpper)
Prepended Concatenation Mark (PCM)
Pattern Syntax (Pat_Syn)
Pattern White Space (Pat_WS)
Quotation Mark (QMark)
Regional Indicator (RI)
Radical (Radical)
Sentence Break (SB) Other Letter
Soft Dotted (SD)
Sentence Terminal (STerm)
Terminal Punctuation (Term)
Unified Ideograph (UIdeo)
Variation Selector (VS)
Word Break (WB) Other
White Space (WSpace)
XID Continue (XIDC)
XID Start (XIDS)
Expands On NFC (XO_NFC)
Expands On NFD (XO_NFD)
Expands On NFKC (XO_NFKC)
Expands On NFKD (XO_NFKD)
Bidi Paired Bracket (bpb) Glyph for U+59EC CJK Unified Ideograph-59EC
Bidi Paired Bracket Type (bpt) None
East Asian Width (ea) wide
Hangul Syllable Type (hst) Not Applicable
ISO 10646 Comment (isc)
Joining Group (jg) No_Joining_Group
Joining Type (jt) Non Joining
Line Break (lb) Ideographic
Numeric Type (nt) none
Numeric Value (nv) not a number
Simple Case Folding (scf) Glyph for U+59EC CJK Unified Ideograph-59EC
Script Extension (scx)
Vertical Orientation (vo) U
Big Five Mapping (kBigFive) AE56
CNS 11643-1986 Mapping (kCNS1986) 1-5478
CNS 11643-1992 Mapping (kCNS1992) 1-5478
Cangjie Input Code (kCangjie) VSLL
kCantonese (kCantonese) gei1
kCihaiT (kCihaiT) 386.207
kCowles (kCowles) 1617
kDaeJaweon (kDaeJaweon) 0526.240
Unihan Definition (kDefinition) beauty; imperial concubine
kEACC (kEACC) 213978
kFanqie (kFanqie) 與之 居之
kFourCornerCode (kFourCornerCode) 4141.7
kGB0 (kGB0) 2807
kGB1 (kGB1) 2807
kGSR (kGSR) 0960f
kHKGlyph (kHKGlyph) 0918
kHanYu (kHanYu) 21049.150
kHangul (kHangul) 희:0N
kHanyuPinyin (kHanyuPinyin) 21049.150:jī,yí
kIRGDaeJaweon (kIRGDaeJaweon) 0526.240
kIRGHanyuDaZidian (kIRGHanyuDaZidian) 21049.150
kIRGKangXi (kIRGKangXi) 0260.230
kIRG_GSource (kIRG_GSource) G0-3C27
kIRG_HSource (kIRG_HSource) HB1-AE56
kIRG_JSource (kIRG_JSource) JMJ-009670
kIRG_KPSource (kIRG_KPSource) KP0-F6A3
kIRG_KSource (kIRG_KSource) K0-7D6F
kIRG_TSource (kIRG_TSource) T1-5478
kJapanese (kJapanese) シン キ イ キョ ひめ
kJapaneseKun (kJapaneseKun) HIME
kJapaneseOn (kJapaneseOn) KI
kKangXi (kKangXi) 0260.230
kKarlgren (kKarlgren) 190
kKorean (kKorean) HUY
kKoreanName (kKoreanName) 2015
kMainlandTelegraph (kMainlandTelegraph) 1213
kMandarin (kMandarin)
kMeyerWempe (kMeyerWempe) 1105b
kMojiJoho (kMojiJoho) MJ009670 MJ009670:E0102 MJ009671:E0103
kMorohashi (kMorohashi) 06230 06230:E0102
kNelson (kNelson) 1218
kPhonetic (kPhonetic) 1543
Radical Stroke Count (Adobe Japan 1-6) (kRSAdobe_Japan1_6) C+13997+38.3.8
Radical Stroke Count (Unicode) (kRSUnicode) 38.7
kSBGY (kSBGY) 059.14 061.32
kSMSZD2003Index (kSMSZD2003Index) 157.09
kSMSZD2003Readings (kSMSZD2003Readings) jī粵gei1
kTGH (kTGH) 2013:4687
kTGHZ2013 (kTGHZ2013) 154.070:jī
Taiwanese Telegraph Code (kTaiwanTelegraph) 1213
kTang (kTang) giə
Stroke Number (kTotalStrokes) 10
UnihanCore2020 Set (kUnihanCore2020) GHKMPT
kXHC1983 (kXHC1983) 0524.030:jī